Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Yesterday after work I left the shop at 6:30 to visit my father. When I got to Sentry Hill he was getting ready to go to bed. I stood outside the closed door to his room and could over hear him talking with the aid. She told him to wash his face, his privates, put his t-shirt back on, put his teeth in a cup. He asked her what her name was. She said TD. He asked her last name and she said she didn't have one. That she was like Cher.
"What's that mean," he replied.
She said, "You know the singer?"
He said, "I guess so"
I still hadn't had supper when I heard him ask her for a hug and she said how about a high five. Then the door opened and she walked through. He stood in the doorway in underware and a t-shirt and was startled to see me. Immediately he smiled and said, "Oh, come on in Kev.
My father mostly only talks about himself. We chatted for a while and I offered to let him use my cell phone to call a women friend he has been trying to arrange to have dinner with this weekend. I dialed the numbers for him and he talked to her for about 20 mins. He didn't ask her any questions about herself. Like how was she, what had she been doing, how her 98 year old father was, nothing. I thought it was quite amazing, 20 mins all about Haven.
They had agreed it would be convenient for them to meet on Saturday evening, around 5:30 at York Hospital in the cafeteria. My father will be dependent on either myself or my sister giving him a ride.
I got up from the rocking chair I was sitting in and my father climbed out of bed and put his clothes back on that he had taken off for the day and he walked me out to the door. He thanked me for coming over by saying, "thanks for coming over Kev, even though it was late."

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