Yesterday I picked up my younger son Silas, who is a sophomore in high school after his track practice at 4:30. We drove from the school over to Sentry Hill to visit my dad. The high school is only a mile or so from Sentry Hill so it is quite convenient to combine a pick-up with a visit.
My son's response to my strategy was, "I will just sit in the car, I can't stand going in there."
I let it go and when we pulled into the parking lot I told him to come along, we would only spend 15 minutes visiting grandpa. He was a bit skeptical but conceded. We found grandpa in his room, sitting quietly in an LL Bean chair he takes much pride in. We coached him up and outside to the pond which is just 100 feet from his door and where 12 ducklings we had seen the previous day were still frolicking with their mother duck. There were other ducks now which had not been there before. My father told us that earlier there were 40 to 100 white birds as well. He could not tell us what kind of birds they were though we named as many white birds as we could think of, all wrong according to him.
We took him back in as dinner was prepared and in the process of being served. My father was disappointed that we were leaving so soon. Silas and I walked him over to his seat in the dining area and gave him a hug and wished him a nice night. After he seated himself and as we started to leave he followed us to the door. Once again he offered a hug. He seemed more disappointed and I asked him if he had prayed lately. He said, "No, he hadn't remembered to."
We coached him out into a hall area between the two doors and all held hands. My father prayed out loud, for God to give make us wiser so we can see his way. And he prayed for god to take care of us. We all said Amen. My father immediately became animated and more alive. I thanked him for the prayer. He asked me 3 times when I would be coming over tomorrow. I told him in the afternoon and he said, "In the morning, then?"
I said, "No dad, in the afternoon. Finally he said, "ok."
He then went back in and Silas and I went out. We got into the truck and headed home.
As we pulled out of the parking lot Silas said, "I really like it when Grandpa is happier."
I said, "Yeah, see what prayers can do."
My sister called a few moments ago here at work and asked if I could come over for a meeting with the social worker and others at Sentry Hill. The meeting is at 10 am. I won't have time today to attend the meeting and visit this afternoon. I know he will be waiting to see me this afternoon. I will leave for the meeting now.
Technorati Tags: prayer, Sentry Hill, ducklings, Alzhiemer's, LL Bean

My son's response to my strategy was, "I will just sit in the car, I can't stand going in there."
I let it go and when we pulled into the parking lot I told him to come along, we would only spend 15 minutes visiting grandpa. He was a bit skeptical but conceded. We found grandpa in his room, sitting quietly in an LL Bean chair he takes much pride in. We coached him up and outside to the pond which is just 100 feet from his door and where 12 ducklings we had seen the previous day were still frolicking with their mother duck. There were other ducks now which had not been there before. My father told us that earlier there were 40 to 100 white birds as well. He could not tell us what kind of birds they were though we named as many white birds as we could think of, all wrong according to him.
We took him back in as dinner was prepared and in the process of being served. My father was disappointed that we were leaving so soon. Silas and I walked him over to his seat in the dining area and gave him a hug and wished him a nice night. After he seated himself and as we started to leave he followed us to the door. Once again he offered a hug. He seemed more disappointed and I asked him if he had prayed lately. He said, "No, he hadn't remembered to."
We coached him out into a hall area between the two doors and all held hands. My father prayed out loud, for God to give make us wiser so we can see his way. And he prayed for god to take care of us. We all said Amen. My father immediately became animated and more alive. I thanked him for the prayer. He asked me 3 times when I would be coming over tomorrow. I told him in the afternoon and he said, "In the morning, then?"
I said, "No dad, in the afternoon. Finally he said, "ok."
He then went back in and Silas and I went out. We got into the truck and headed home.
As we pulled out of the parking lot Silas said, "I really like it when Grandpa is happier."
I said, "Yeah, see what prayers can do."
My sister called a few moments ago here at work and asked if I could come over for a meeting with the social worker and others at Sentry Hill. The meeting is at 10 am. I won't have time today to attend the meeting and visit this afternoon. I know he will be waiting to see me this afternoon. I will leave for the meeting now.
Technorati Tags: prayer, Sentry Hill, ducklings, Alzhiemer's, LL Bean
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