Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27, 2009

Today is my Dad's 81st Birthday. My sister and I had dinner with him at Sentry Hill. She picked up fried clams and haddock from the Weathervane and two birthday cakes form somewhere else.

Haven H. Freeman enjoying some fried clams

After we had the fried food I went up stairs to find Jack Lewis and invited him to join us for cake. He came downstairs to Browning with his harmonica. We played a few tunes together while my Dad at cake. We were also joined by a resident whose name is Cedric. He is confined to a wheelchair yet managed to contribute to our musical follies after being coerced by Jack with a bit of yodeling.

Haven and Kevin Freeman

I think my Dad felt like having Jack there took a bit of attention away from him. But it was good for all of us. Jack is a very kind soul. He makes great music and I was delighted to play with him. Jack also pays attention to everyone and is very inquisitive. A marvel for 94 years.

Kevin playing harmonica with Jack Lewis

Before my sister had arrived I took my Dad for a walk around the building. He talked to me about how unhappy he was and how he was getting nowhere. He said no one was helping him. He didn't want to stay at Sentry Hill. As he told me this I couldn't help thinking about how lucky he is. The heat was over 78°F though he said he wasn't warm. The interior and exterior of the premises are charming. The staff is always attentive. And my Dad is unhappy about being there. I think he is serious. I don't know what would make him happy. I really don't know. I take this as some solace as I think no matter where he might be he will be unhappy. At least he is unhappy in an otherwise very nice situation.

Daughter Karen and Haven Freeman

Here is a prayer my Dad taught me when I was a little boy:

O God, Dear Heavenly Father
Please let us thank you for this day,
Especially for Mommy and Daddy and Karen
and Grammy Freeman and Grammy McNamara
and Grandpa Bill.
Please be with all of our friends and neighbors,
and be with all of the sick people
that we do know about and don't,
especially (who ever was in need of prayer due to sickness)
We ask it all in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Happy 81st Birthday Dad, I love You!

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